Monday 9 July 2018

A Posh Parcel Arrived

A Parcel was Delivered

Oooohhh look what arrived for Bibley.  She wasn't in so her neighbour Ann took it in (Ann thinks we're posh now!!!).

Bib said she didn't order anything from Harrods, but said she knew a parcel was winging its way to her.  She was told by Beanie that she needed to open it cos it may need to go in the fridge, so she had to open it.

This looks very interesting

Cool, what a lovely box, what's inside?  Go on ....... open it, go on .........

Three things to unwrap, one each, that means Bib doesn't get anything!!!
(Hey you lot, the parcel was addressed to me you know)

Look at all that wrapping for the three jars of stuff.

That Beanie is soooo naughty, cos you only need to put them in the fridge once they've been opened.

Naughty mouse.

And there was a card too.

Thank you to all of you named in Bib's card, Bib was really happy.

Typical of Rattie, it just had to be done.

Until next time Ratters .......

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