Tuesday 8 August 2017

The First Floor

All change on the first floor.

The below photo is looking from the front of the house towards the TV room.

Where have all the walls gone?

This is looking towards the front of the house.

And this is looking towards the TV room at the back of the house.

Looking towards the back.

To the front.

And towards the back.

Bib said she offered our services to clear up the rubble, but the builders said we were too little and anyway they had apprentices to do that !!!

And then it was time to strip all the wallpaper off the walls.
We supervised cos that's what we're good at.

But first a cuppa !!!

This was hard work !!!

And Milo just laid in the sun while the rest of us worked.
I don't blame him, I would have done but the walls do not strip themselves.

Until next time Ratters .......